A Hard Day

I am officially two weeks into this ‘living in New York’ adventure. In June I went home to California for my birthday and decided there that I was going to make the move from NJ to NY. I didn’t know exactly how, and there were moments in-between now and then where I wasn’t decisive, but here I am. All the universe conspires to make it so … :)
I find that I don’t know how to be my honest self on here. In my day-to-day life I am a notorious over-sharer. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I try my best to shed ego. A certain level of guardedness is wise when it comes to the internet, but I haven’t quite figured out the balance. I would like to share, obviously that is the point of a blog. But I am wary of crossing a boundary and feeling some regret. I like other people’s blogs that don’t get too deep, because the photos do a lot of the talking, but is that me? I love to write and my first blog, If My Fingers Were Feathers, was perhaps carried by the writing. I didn’t have a good camera and I had no photo editing skills, so my love of poetry and weaving stories together shone thru. I’m trying to imagine what my blog would look like if I put as much work into the writing as I did the visuals…
Estou oficialmente duas semanas nesta aventura de ‘morar em Nova York’. Em junho, fui para minha casa na Califórnia para o meu aniversário e decidi lá que iria me mudar de NJ para NY. Não sabia exatamente como, e houve momentos em que não fui decisivo, mas aqui estou. Todo o universo conspira para que isso aconteça ... :)
Acho que não sei como ser honesto aqui. Na minha vida cotidiana, sou notório por compartilhar. Eu coloco meu coração na manga e tento o meu melhor para livrar-me do ego. Um certo nível de cautela é sábio com a internet, mas eu ainda não descobri o equilíbrio. Eu gostaria de compartilhar, obviamente esse é o objetivo de um blog. Mas tenho medo de cruzar uma fronteira e sinto algum arrependimento. Gosto de blogs de outras pessoas que não vão muito fundo, porque as fotos falam muito, mas sou eu? Amo escrever e meu primeiro blog, If My Fingers Were Feathers, foi talvez carregado pela escrita. Eu não tinha uma boa câmera e não tinha habilidades de edição de fotos, então meu amor pela poesia e pela tecelagem de histórias brilharam. Estou tentando imaginar como seria o meu blog se eu colocasse tanto trabalho na redação quanto nas imagens…
Hey! I'm sitting at the dining room table in my friend Nicole's apartment in Santa Barbara. We were roommates freshman year in the dorms at UC Davis (along with two other girls) and we thought it was about time to catch up! I drove up yesterday - a lovely sunset drive along the coast - and will be here 'til Friday. I've never really visited SB. I got into the UC here and we drove through campus when I was 17 during our road trip to Mexico, but that's all I've seen. She's in grad school here and has some classes and meeting throughout the day so I'll probably do a bit of solo exploring.
Last weekend was the national Women's March and I've been dying to share these photos. It was amazing to see so many people of every different gender, color, and creed come together to voice their support of one another. My faith has been restored in human goodness. After marching we listened to a few speeches and and performances ... I cried during Andra Day's performance of Rise that seemed so perfect for the occasion. After that we headed to an Ethiopian spot downtown and then took the metro back to Long Beach. It was a wonderful Saturday.