Cristo Redentor & Pão de Açúcar

This week has been absolutely incredible … so much dance and music. Last weekend I got to see Erykah Badu for the first time and on Wednesday Sofia and I got hooked up with free Kehlani tickets! I’ve been listening to Kehlani since she had a mixtape and was performing around Oakland. I decided to go solo to her concert in Santa Ana in 2017 at a small venue. It was my first time going to a show alone and I had such a good experience that I’ve done it plenty of times since. Watching her sell out Radio City Music Hall (which she sold out twice!) was kind of a proud moment! I was really honored to be there and was fan-girling over her and her choreographer/back-up dancer Kassidy Bright who I’ve also followed for a long time. On either side of the Kehlani show I went to the BAAND Together Dance Festival at Lincoln Center where five of the cities top dance companies performed pieces for FREE. I am so happy to be in NYC for amazing opportunities to see the highest level of art. This weekend is also looking like a lot of fun so I’ll probably film it for an upcoming vlog. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead of you as well!
Esta semana foi absolutamente incrível... muita dança e música. No fim de semana passado eu pude ver Erykah Badu pela primeira vez e na quarta-feira Sofia e eu ganhamos ingressos grátis para Kehlani! Eu ouço Kehlani desde que ela fez uma mixtape e estava se apresentando em Oakland. Decidi ir sozinha ao show dela em Santa Ana em 2017 em um local pequeno. Foi a primeira vez que fui a um show sozinho e tive uma experiência tão boa que fiz isso muitas vezes desde então. Vê-la esgotar o Radio City Music Hall (que ela esgotou duas vezes!) foi um momento de orgulho! Fiquei muito honrada por estar lá e fui fangirl dela e de sua coreógrafa/dançarina Kassidy Bright, que também acompanho há muito tempo. Em ambos os lados do show de Kehlani, fui ao BAAND Together Dance Festival no Lincoln Center, onde cinco das principais companhias de dança da cidade apresentaram peças GRATUITAMENTE. Estou tão feliz por estar em Nova York para oportunidades incríveis de ver o mais alto nível de arte. Este fim de semana também está parecendo muito divertido, então provavelmente vou filmá-lo para um próximo vlog. Espero que todos tenham um fim de semana maravilhoso pela frente também!
Stacy & Anthony | @vitoriuh | Tom & Date | Henny Garfunkel | Dara | cute woman with partner also taking her photos = her personal paparazzi | Ethan Richmond, Dylan Richmond & Audrey Kelly | Ty | wearing her own design <3
I am still on a high from yesterday. There are some creative endeavors that take a lot of chutzpah and I am proud to report that I have indeed crossed over to the other side. I finally, FINALLY went out and took some street fashion photos. I got my blog business cards about 10 days early and embarked out on a Saturday afternoon to Washington Square Park, where most of these photos were taken. The last few were taken in Brooklyn. It is so nerve-wracking to walk up to strangers but these folks, all of them, made it so fun! They were all lovely and I feel honored to (hopefully) represent them well here. New Yorkers are truly magical creatures in my eyes and I will definitely be doing this again.
Ainda estou em alta desde ontem. Existem alguns empreendimentos criativos que exigem muita ousadia e tenho orgulho de relatar que realmente passei para o outro lado. Eu finalmente, FINALMENTE saí e tirei algumas fotos de moda de rua. Recebi meus cartões de visita do blog cerca de 10 dias antes e embarquei em uma tarde de sábado para o Washington Square Park, onde a maioria dessas fotos foi tirada. As últimas foram tiradas no Brooklyn. É tão estressante andar até estranhos, mas essas pessoas, todas elas, tornaram isso tão divertido! Eles foram todos adoráveis e me sinto honrado em (espero) representá-los bem aqui. Os nova-iorquinos são criaturas verdadeiramente mágicas aos meus olhos e definitivamente farei isso novamente.
Hi loves! A few photos from the week! I am not feeling like writing much right now but here are a few photos I took this week. New York has truly been wonderful and ALIVE!
Oi amores! Algumas fotos da semana! Não estou com vontade de escrever muito agora, mas aqui estão algumas fotos que tirei esta semana. Nova York tem sido realmente maravilhosa e VIVA!
Boa tarde <3
I am posted up at a coffee shop down the street from my place, studying for next week’s written state board exam. The more I study the more I feel like this is so much information. From sanitation and chemistry to facial techniques and license renewing procedures, it’s a lot. My friend Kaylie took the test about three weeks ago and said she took a full two hours to complete it … so I’m expecting a difficult test. I was lucky to have her to tell me to study certain handouts that we were given during school that I didn’t think were important but apparently were pulled from heavily for the test. At this point I’m just excited to wrap up these credentials and be fully licensed here in NY. I would like to take the month of June to enjoy the city and not just its many coffee shops haha, though I’ve found a few new ones this week that I’ve loved. I have slowly been editing my California vlog when I need a study break and I’m about 1/3 of the way through now. Happy to report that Premiere Pro is starting to feel easy to use, now that I’ve gotten the basics down, which means I’m looking forward to editing rather than dreading it. I started reading The 5 AM Club this week and am very curious about the secrets it will reveal. My 5 AM winter routine was inspired by a conversation I had with my friend Olivia about the book so I feel like reading the real thing will solidify it for me. The feeling is somewhat addicting - waking up that early and starting the day without feeling like I am catching up with everyone who is already out and about. I also bought a new planner this week. Writing down a checklist is so helpful for my productivity, so I’m getting back to the things that work for me. I hope you’re having a lovely week!
Estou postado em um café na rua de minha casa, estudando para o exame escrito do conselho estadual da próxima semana. Quanto mais estudo, mais sinto que isso é muita informação. De saneamento e química a técnicas faciais e procedimentos de renovação de licença, é muito. Minha amiga Kaylie fez o teste há cerca de três semanas e disse que levou duas horas inteiras para concluí-lo ... então, estou esperando um teste difícil. Tive a sorte de tê-la me dizendo para estudar certas apostilas que recebemos durante a escola que eu não achei importantes, mas aparentemente foram retiradas pesadamente para o teste. Neste ponto, estou muito animado para encerrar essas credenciais e ser totalmente licenciado aqui em NY. Eu gostaria de aproveitar o mês de junho para aproveitar a cidade e não apenas seus muitos cafés haha, embora eu tenha encontrado alguns novos esta semana que adorei. Eu tenho editado lentamente meu vlog da Califórnia quando preciso de uma pausa para estudar e estou com cerca de 1/3 do caminho agora. Fico feliz em informar que o Premiere Pro está começando a parecer fácil de usar, agora que aprendi o básico, o que significa que estou ansioso para editar, em vez de temer. Comecei a ler The 5 AM Club esta semana e estou muito curioso sobre os segredos que ele vai revelar. Minha rotina de inverno das 5 da manhã foi inspirada por uma conversa que tive com minha amiga Olivia sobre o livro, então sinto que ler a verdadeira vai solidificá-lo para mim. A sensação é um tanto viciante - acordar tão cedo e começar o dia sem sentir que estou alcançando todo mundo que já está fora de casa. Eu também comprei um novo planejador esta semana. Escrever uma lista de verificação é muito útil para minha produtividade, então estou voltando às coisas que funcionam para mim. Espero que você esteja tendo uma ótima semana!
Hi boos! Yesterday some friends and I went to The Edge in Hudson Yards. It’s a fairly new attraction … a glass ledge on the 100th floor that offers an insane view of the city. You are right across from the Empire State Building … which is also known for it’s view, but it’s such a NY staple that it’s fun to get to see it and not be pressed right up against it. We went just before sunset so we got to see the cityscape both in the daytime and after the sun had set, when the city becomes a golden glow of lights. It’s striking how big and small the island of Manhattan feels all at once. It’s hard to comprehend how many people live in each building, but you can also see the parameters of the city and it all feels so accessible. We had a great time taking pictures and watching all the girls in their warm weather outfits while the wind made us all shiver. The last couple days have been back to cold! But it’s supposed to warm up tomorrow and remain that way for the rest of the week, minus some rain on Sunday. I am wearing all my fall items diligently. I am currently working on a vlog from my tropical travels a couple weeks ago, so stay tuned for that. It should be a nice change of scene. I definitely had fun filming it, not having to talk over my obnoxious radiator for once haha. I hope you are all well!
Oi amores! Ontem, alguns amigos e eu fomos ao The Edge em Hudson Yards. É uma atração relativamente nova ... uma borda de vidro no 100º andar que oferece uma vista insana da cidade. Você está bem em frente ao Empire State Building ... que também é conhecido por sua vista, mas é tão importante em NY que é divertido vê-lo e não ser pressionado contra ele. Fomos um pouco antes do pôr do sol, então pudemos ver a paisagem urbana durante o dia e depois que o sol se pôs, quando a cidade se torna um brilho dourado de luzes. É impressionante como a ilha de Manhattan parece grande e pequena ao mesmo tempo. É difícil compreender quantas pessoas vivem em cada prédio, mas você também pode ver os parâmetros da cidade e tudo parece tão acessível. Nós nos divertimos muito tirando fotos e vendo todas as garotas em seus trajes de clima quente enquanto o vento nos fazia tremer. Os últimos dias voltaram a esfriar! Mas deve esquentar amanhã e permanecer assim pelo resto da semana, sem chuva no domingo. Estou vestindo todos os meus itens de outono com diligência. No momento, estou trabalhando em um vlog de minhas viagens tropicais há algumas semanas, portanto, fique atento para isso. Deve ser uma boa mudança de cenário. Eu definitivamente me diverti filmando, não tendo que falar no meu irritante radiador pela primeira vez haha. Espero que todos estejam bem!
Well, it’s Fall. As soon as summer ends I go from savoring every second to hoping time flies so we can end up back at summer. At the same time though, I’m excited for what’s to come. I’ve gotten so much more comfortable with the navigating the city and I’ve heard NYC is pretty magical around Christmas time. I’ve just got to save up for some big vacation(s) during January-March to get me through the dark and cold that follows the holidays. Why can’t Christmas be in February so the darkest, coldest months could still be lit up with Christmas lights and hazelnut smells? I am very affected by lack of sunshine so I’m not just wining over here. I am going to need some vitamin D doses to maintain a certain level of happy. Luckily Miami, Rio, Mexico, the Caribbean are just a plane ride away. Watch me fly south like the geese. V-formation baby.
I’m sitting in a little café in South Orange and they are playing old-school Christina Aguilera … makes it okay that I forgot my headphones. I won’t be in this neighborhood for much longer though. I found an apartment where I will have my own room, right off the Path Train that takes you straight into the city. I am so excited to be even closer to New York and to start dancing more as a result. I have felt the absence of dance classes in my life in a big way. Going from dancing at least a couple times a week in Rio to not at all has been jolting. Dancing will also get me through the winter. I hope you are all having a wonderful first day of Fall - and hopefully you’re a little less anxious about the impending Winter than I am haha.
Bem, é outono. Assim que o verão termina, deixo de saborear a cada segundo e espero que o tempo voe para que possamos voltar ao verão. Ao mesmo tempo, estou empolgado com o que está por vir. Fiquei muito mais confortável navegando pela cidade e ouvi dizer que NYC é bastante mágica na época do Natal. Eu só tenho que economizar algumas grandes férias durante janeiro-março para me fazer passar pelo escuro e pelo frio que se segue aos feriados. Por que o Natal não pode ser em fevereiro, para que os meses mais escuros e frios ainda possam ser iluminados com luzes de Natal e cheiros de avelã? Estou muito afetado pela falta de sol, então não estou apenas ganhando por aqui. Vou precisar de algumas doses de vitamina D para manter um certo nível de felicidade. Felizmente, Miami, Rio, México e Caribe estão a uma viagem de avião. Veja-me voar para o sul como os gansos. Formação em V.
Estou sentado em um pequeno café em South Orange e eles estão tocando a música Christina Aguilera da velha escola ... tudo bem que eu esqueci meus fones de ouvido. Eu não vou ficar neste bairro por muito mais tempo. Encontrei um apartamento onde terei meu próprio quarto, logo após o Path Train que o leva direto para a cidade. Estou muito animado por estar ainda mais perto de Nova York e começar a dançar mais como resultado. Eu senti a ausência de aulas de dança na minha vida em grande forma. Passar de dançar pelo menos duas vezes por semana no Rio a nada tem sido sacudido. Dançar também me fará passar o inverno. Espero que todos estejam tendo um maravilhoso primeiro dia de outono - e espero que estejam um pouco menos preocupados com o inverno iminente do que eu, haha.
Hey! I'm sitting at the dining room table in my friend Nicole's apartment in Santa Barbara. We were roommates freshman year in the dorms at UC Davis (along with two other girls) and we thought it was about time to catch up! I drove up yesterday - a lovely sunset drive along the coast - and will be here 'til Friday. I've never really visited SB. I got into the UC here and we drove through campus when I was 17 during our road trip to Mexico, but that's all I've seen. She's in grad school here and has some classes and meeting throughout the day so I'll probably do a bit of solo exploring.
Last weekend was the national Women's March and I've been dying to share these photos. It was amazing to see so many people of every different gender, color, and creed come together to voice their support of one another. My faith has been restored in human goodness. After marching we listened to a few speeches and and performances ... I cried during Andra Day's performance of Rise that seemed so perfect for the occasion. After that we headed to an Ethiopian spot downtown and then took the metro back to Long Beach. It was a wonderful Saturday.
Top - Buffalo Exchange | Skirt - Vintage
photos by Alli Nadine
DTLA is kind of my old stomping grounds. I worked down here for a year and commuted for 2.5 hours a day to get here. It's been nice the last couple days to revisit some of my favorite spots and discover some new ones. I took a stroll through Pershing Square and ended up at The Last Bookstore where I found a book I've been searching for all summer. It's called The Chosen by Chaim Potok - a book I read in high school. I remember it capturing the pressure of living up to expectations as a young adult and it had a big emotional impact on me - putting words to feelings I didn't know were shared. I remember telling people it was my favorite book for a while, but I stopped because it turned a simple, "What's your favorite book?" question into a deep discussion that people often weren't looking for. I'm looking forward to rereading it and seeing if it hits my heart the same way it did a decade ago.
cheers to long walks and the art along the way
Thai Ice Tea Ice Cream - Little Damage
My coworker Frida and I had to run an errand for work at a local jewelry store today and the (finally!) warm weather inspired us to stop at Little Damage for some ice-cream on the way back. I'd walked by this shop many times, always amused by the neon sign pictured above. I'm sure I'll be back! Downtown is really starting to grow on me ...
Hi yous! Last weekend my mamma wanted to see where I worked and after I showed off our office view, we headed deeper into Downtown. We ended up wandering through vintage shops in Little Tokyo before crossing the street into the Arts District where you literally can't take a step without seeing some piece of art. I really liked all the stencil graffiti on the sidewalk. There's sooo much to see in LA. I've already been here for five months and I still feel like whenever people ask me if I've been certain places I have to say no. This city feels like a giant maze with cool new stuff at every turn. So happy to be here. :)
feliz friday
Hi babes! I had a bit of a rough week. I got really sick at work on Wednesday and left early. I was out of commision Thursday too but was back by Friday. I decided to cut my cleanse short because I'm not sure if the herbal pills I was taking were the cause. Either that or they were working and I just really needed to be cleansed haha. Friday night I hung out with Jackson on the couch and watched Love & Basketball and The Notebook back to back. Whatever channel that was, thank you ;). Saturday I did laundry, cleaned, visited a really cool plant nursery near my house that is only open one day a week, and then went on a lovely adventure with Carolina. Afterwards, she came over for a girls' wine/pizza/sleepover night with my roommate and some of her friends as well. Today I went to dance class and then caught up on some work so I'm not behind tomorrow after missing a couple days. If only Monday was part of the weekend ... life would be perfect.
muito amor
Hello lovelies! We're oh-so-close to Friday and I can already feel the relief coming on! It has been yet another crazy week at work. We've been making so many new orders and it is my job to make sure all the info is entered into our system properly so I have been a busy bee. Cross your fingers for me that I don't have to stay late tomorrow! I just got home from my favorite hip-hop class in Torrance. Nothing makes me as happy as dancing ... and nothing makes me as sore! I love it. After not having a real variety of classes to take for the last few years, I can't imagine that I will ever take for granted how many amazing teachers/classes are at my fingertips in LA. I feel so fucking lucky.
Cheers! To doing what you <3