Creek Catch-Up

When I first pulled into my mom's driveway a week ago I was greeted by Aisha, a girl I used to babysit when I was in high school. My mom was giving her mom a massage and she was waiting patiently in the living room. It was a lovely welcome home to get to catch up with her and hear all about her soccer stardom, graduating from 8th grade, and playing violin. When she asked me if I'd be willing to give her a photography lesson I was very flattered (with the little that I know). So, this week I met her after school and we trekked into Lower Park with a camera and some iced tea. It was mostly us talking and sharing funny junior high stories ... there are so many to choose from. Here are some of the photos she took of me after a bit of a "lesson." The ones I took of her have been added to the Portfolio tab above.