feb 1.

cozy spaces created in otherwise cold warehouse rooms

I walked in freezing sunlight to a café pop-up in my neighborhood and sipped on a hot latte and later, an iced matcha

I watched the folks chatter and visit and work intently on their creative endeavors in between me working on mine


we’re so strange

luckily I like strange things

somehow the lighting is warm and the concrete seems soft and I swear february 1st is a new start

just like all the days before perhaps

this week I’ll dance,

which is my tried and true medicine

grounding me in my entirety

making me remember something the earth knows and just lets me borrow

and on days like this, I wear red, even if it’s three layers deep

because I know that’s a piece of the puzzle


Hello loves! I am waiting for my hair to fully dry so I can finish getting ready for my evening plans … so why not bust out a blog post?! Today’s rain puts an end to the week of sunny, warm days and is probably contributing to my hair’s prolonged dampness. I am in the last two weeks of the Theory portion of the Esthetics program and it’s getting real. We have had three tests a week since the first week and next week we have three tests AND the 200 question final. The only day we don’t have a test is Thursday … so I’ll have to come up for air Wednesday night and make sure I’m keeping my sanity. I hope you are having a great week and are slightly less stressed than I am. Still happy, still grateful! 


Olá amores! Estou esperando meu cabelo secar completamente para terminar de me preparar para meus planos para a noite ... então por que não publicar um post no blog ?! A chuva de hoje põe fim à semana de dias quentes e ensolarados e provavelmente está contribuindo para a umidade prolongada do meu cabelo. Estou nas últimas duas semanas da parte de Teoria do programa de Estética e está ficando louco. Tivemos três testes por semana desde a primeira semana e na próxima semana temos três testes E as 200 questões finais. O único dia em que não temos um teste é quinta-feira ... então terei que subir para o ar na quarta-feira à noite e me certificar de que estou mantendo minha sanidade. Espero que você esteja tendo uma ótima semana e esteja um pouco menos estressado do que eu. Ainda feliz, ainda grato!



Palm Backdrops 4Ever

Hello lovelies! I was quite productive this morning. I got my car detailed and went to the new gym for the first time. I am turning my car in tomorrow and then I will officially be a carless SoCal resident - unheard of! I drive my car so little, just for road trips basically since I live three blocks from work and can bike almost anywhere in Long Beach. My three year lease is up and it just doesn't make sense to spend a bunch of dough on a new car when it isn't necessary. There are other things I'd rather spend that money on ;). I got it thoroughly cleaned at a spot right around the corner and it looks as good as new! I am running one last errand with it tomorrow morning and then dropping it off at the dealership! It's such perfect timing that the new gym opened yesterday so I don't need to drive to the North LB location anymore - and that won't be an option anyways. I walked there today and it's only a mile. There were little restaurants and shops that I hadn't seen before so it will be a fun way to explore downtown a little more as well. 

<3 life is good


Spring Mood Board

The new Instagram feature where you can save photos has quickly turned into a mood board. Scrolling through, I started to realize how cohesive my photos and interests are and thought they would make a nice collage to share. I hope these images inspire you as they've inspired me! There is a lot about social media that doesn't sit right with me but the ability to share and have access to inspirational art is undeniable. 



Red & Gold

Hey there beauties! Today at work there was a story being covered on the news about two whales that swam up into the Seal Beach channel and got stuck when the tide went out. Whales (and horses) are my favorite animals and I've never seen one in the ocean so I headed there straight after work. A little crowd had gathered to watch. The area the whales were confined to was so small. I just kept thinking how scared or worried they must be. I'm glad they had each other at least. It was amazing to see their fins and bursts of air from their blowholes so closely! I sang a little song to Yemanja and prayed that the ocean takes them back safely. I just saw a little update and it looks like they are still in the channel but doing okay. Hopefully they'll get to return to the ocean during the night. I'll post an update! 




Hello and happy Saturday night! Yesterday I picked up this lovely cheetah print number at the Salvation Army along with an oversized, double-breasted black blazer (with gold buttons!). I was excited to take photos in this dress today. It's a little big but perfect with a belt. I tried on so many waist belts in my closet and they all looked great with it. I decided on the brown one in the photos because I got it at the same thrift store a couple months ago. Entirely thrifted outfits ftw!! The fabric has this wrinkle-proof texture which will be perfect for the belted look because it won't bunch like normal fabric. I was feeling quite saucy in my matching nail/lipstick combo as well. It looks as though the weather in Long Beach is finally going to warm up in the middle of this week and I am so looking forward to a little less layering. 



Valentine's Day

Top - Express | Shorts - Thrifted | Over-the-Knee Boots - Free People | Jacket - Thrifted

Photos by KDotPhotography 

Happy belated V-day you filthy animals! I know that a lot of people find this day cheesy af ... I'm one of them ... but at the same time, who cares?! Let's just all be cheese-balls and be down for a day that promotes showing appreciation for the ones you love! You don't have to do it with even one gift, just spend that time :). I had a lovely little evening in Hyland Park (first time there) going to an M. Ward show that gave me tingles at one point. It's fun to get a little dressed up and go be moved by some music. 

I hope you had a wonderful day then and are having a wonderful day now. 

Cheers to happy holidays that don't preside in December. 



Bel Air

Hoops - NY&Co | Nude Top - F21 | Skirt - Thrifted | Boots - Amazon 

Photos by Alli Nadine

I am trying so hard to blog more! I have all these ideas for posts floating around my head but I realize I should just get in the habit of posting, whether it's well-thought out or not. My goal really is to post once a day - so you can see I'm slacking. I don't want to put too much pressure on written content though. My focus is on the photos. I've been strangely tired this week however, which has stood in my way a bit. Other than going on a long bike ride along the coast, going out to dinner and drinks with some coworkers, and running some errands, I've primarily spent the week at home. Last night I fell asleep at 8 pm and I still woke up groggy. I've been cooking for myself a lot so I know that I'm not lacking nutrients. I'll just listen to my body I suppose. It sort of gives me no choice ;). Tonight my friend Victoria is coming over to check out my new place and eat dinner. I'm cooking a polenta and mushroom dish and have a fresh bottle of wine ready and waiting! I really love to cook, but I especially love cooking for others.



Slip of the Tongue

slip - thrifted | shirt - thrifted | shoes - kensie

Styled and shot by my fave: Olivia Bwalya

This week someone said to me that people in our lives are either blessings or lessons - and something in me hesitated when I heard it. I didn't understand why it didn't sit quite right with me until today, and the reason is that I feel that lessons are blessings as well. They suck a little harder than straight blessings, don't get me wrong, but they are something to be grateful for just the same. This summer has been transformative and growth is never easy. I am so looking forward to getting a second to catch my breath from all the obstacle hurtling. But you never know with life. I won't assume it'll let up anytime soon. I'll just enjoy the blessings as they come and do my best to listen to the omens.



Creek Catch-Up

When I first pulled into my mom's driveway a week ago I was greeted by Aisha, a girl I used to babysit when I was in high school. My mom was giving her mom a massage and she was waiting patiently in the living room. It was a lovely welcome home to get to catch up with her and hear all about her soccer stardom, graduating from 8th grade, and playing violin. When she asked me if I'd be willing to give her a photography lesson I was very flattered (with the little that I know). So, this week I met her after school and we trekked into Lower Park with a camera and some iced tea.  It was mostly us talking and sharing funny junior high stories ... there are so many to choose from. Here are some of the photos she took of me after a bit of a "lesson." The ones I took of her have been added to the Portfolio tab above.


Summer Reads

Hello lovelies! I finished rereading The Alchemist this week ... a book everyone should read at least once, and now I'm picking up where I left off with State of Wonder. A common thread through both: Brazil! The Alchemist is written by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho and State of Wonder takes place in Brazil and even has some Portuguese dialogue, which I've been enjoying. Makes me feel sorry for whoever reads that book and has to type everything into google translate haha! I recently asked in an insta post about suggestions for "happy summer reads" and got two responses which I will add to my list. I'd really like to get in the habit of reading everyday again. Cheers to adventures in print and in your head! 



Sábado Gigante

StyleWe.com was kind enough to send me this top, along with a slip dress that I will feature soon.

Hey hey. I haven't been very good at keeping up with the blog the last couple weeks - sorry! I have been in a bit of a lull, probably somewhat related to the rainy weather, but I know LA/California needs it. I had a really great weekend last week though. I went out with some friends in Long Beach Saturday night. First stop was a gorgeous bar with high ceilings and chandeliers that had a speakeasy below ground. You literally had to knock on a door and give a password to enter the bar - all moody lighting and red velvet. On Sunday I spent the whole day with my brother at Disneyland. Tonight I'm staying in and taking a break from the hustle and bustle.  I'm on a cleanse for the next few weeks that includes six Chinese herbal pills every morning and prohibits me from drinking alcohol or coffee and eating sugar or fried foods. No partying for me until my friends' wedding! 

love ya 



Ayy bae bae. I'm currently posted up in a coffee shop in Culver City, headed to a dance class in a sec. This past weekend was my coworker Liz's birthday (so many birthdays!) and I went a little too hard Friday night. I woke up at noon on Saturday, got water, and went back to bed 'til three. The weekends already seem fast so when you sleep a whole day away practically ... Monday comes too quick. I think I'm going to take a break from going out haha. Sunday was nice though. I went to dance class and there was a guest teacher: a woman I danced with in Brazil! She's pretty famous in the dance community and I went up after class to thank her and she remembered me! I was very flattered. Then I met up with my brother and we went back to my place to cook a delicious spicy noodle stir fry. I was so excited to take some to work with me for lunch until Raoul went back for 2nds, 3rds, etc. I forget how much that kid can eat! Oh well, my mom will be happy I got some veggies in him. 



That New New

New earrings from Nasty Gal and new top from Fore Collection
