Congratulations Claveries!

On Saturday two of my favorite people got married. It was amazing to be there and witness what we all knew was coming for a long time. I love love! I partied with the newly married couple and then was up around 4:30 the next morning to head to the airport to get back to New York for work. I asked for today, Monday, off and found out during my sit between flights that my request was granted! So today I got to sleep in, go to the gym, do some laundry, and edit the next vlog. I am so so grateful for the extra day! Now off to meet up with a friend at a bakery down the street. I hope you all had a lovely weekend!


No sábado, duas das minhas pessoas favoritas se casaram. Foi incrível estar lá e testemunhar o que todos sabíamos que estava por vir há muito tempo. Eu amo o amor! Eu festejei com o casal recém-casado e então acordei por volta das 4h30 da manhã seguinte para ir ao aeroporto para voltar a Nova York para o trabalho. Eu pedi folga hoje e descobri durante minha sessão entre voos que meu pedido foi concedido! Então hoje eu tenho que dormir, ir para a academia, lavar algumas roupas e editar o próximo vlog. Estou muito grato pelo dia extra! Agora vá encontrar um amigo em uma padaria na rua. Espero que todos tenham tido um lindo final de semana!



Papa's Backyard

I am sitting at Upper Crust with my sister in front of some empty chai and mocha glasses and a plate full of quiche crumbs. I got up this morning determined to take photos. I have had some absolutely wonderful days at home, swimming and spending quality time with old friends, thrifting most of the day yesterday, and having time with my family of course. My dad, step mom and I went to Momona last night and ate a delicious ramen dinner outside in what felt like a summer night. Every time I’ve come home over the past few years it is an utterly delicious experience. I get exactly what I need. I am so grateful for my relationship with this place now, after spending all of my twenties trying (and succeeding) to escape it. Now it feels nostalgic and new all at once and I am just grateful for how full it is of people, places, and food that I love.


Estou sentado no Upper Crust com minha irmã na frente de alguns copos vazios de chai e mocha e um prato cheio de migalhas de quiche. Acordei esta manhã determinado a tirar fotos. Eu tive alguns dias absolutamente maravilhosos em casa, nadando e passando tempo de qualidade com velhos amigos, economizando a maior parte do dia de ontem e tendo tempo com minha família, é claro. Meu pai, minha madrasta e eu fomos a Momona ontem à noite e comemos um delicioso jantar de ramen do lado de fora no que parecia uma noite de verão. Toda vez que venho para casa nos últimos anos, é uma experiência absolutamente deliciosa. Eu recebo exatamente o que eu preciso. Sou muito grata pelo meu relacionamento com este lugar agora, depois de passar todos os meus vinte anos tentando (e conseguindo) escapar dele. Agora parece nostálgico e novo ao mesmo tempo e sou grato por estar cheio de pessoas, lugares e comidas que eu amo.

a sloppy smooch


Upper Park

Hi babies. The sun finally came out for my last day in Chico. I leave tonight to head back to NY and I’m a little sad. It has felt so good to be home, to take a breathe and a break from work, to catch up with my friends, and of course, to see my family. The longer I spend away from Chico the more I’m fascinated and rejuvenated by it when I return. I spent a lot of my childhood wishing my parents had never left NY, not quite comprehending why they left so much to put down roots in this sleepy town. But then I drive out to Upper Bidwell Park and walk ten feet onto a path and there I am, surrounded by soggy stumps, tall Oaks, and busy birds. How at home I feel right there on the red dirt is what they wanted for me, what they manifested and brought into being. I feel so lucky to have lived so much life outside in the ‘wild.’ It’s part of who I am, no matter how long I spend in the biggest cities on the planet. And I’m so proud to have made a life where I can have both.


Oi bebês. O sol finalmente saiu para o meu último dia em Chico. Eu parto hoje à noite para voltar para NY e estou um pouco triste. É tão bom estar em casa, para tomar fôlego e descansar do trabalho, para conversar com meus amigos e, claro, para ver minha família. Quanto mais tempo fico longe de Chico, mais fico fascinado e rejuvenescido por ele quando volto. Passei grande parte da minha infância desejando que meus pais nunca tivessem saído de NY, sem entender muito bem por que eles deixaram tanto para criar raízes nesta cidade sonolenta. Mas então eu dirijo até Upper Bidwell Park e caminho três metros em uma trilha e lá estou eu, cercada por tocos encharcados, carvalhos altos e pássaros ocupados. Como me sinto em casa ali na terra vermelha é o que eles queriam para mim, o que eles manifestaram e trouxeram à existência. Eu me sinto muito sortuda por ter vivido tanto fora, na selva. É parte de quem eu sou, não importa quanto tempo eu passe nas maiores cidades do planeta. E estou tão orgulhoso de ter feito uma vida onde posso ter os dois.



Little Hike(s)

Hi! I am back in New York after my short and sweet trip to Northern California. It has been an eventful week with the finalization of the election (yay!), all that travel back to the East Coast, and jumping right back into classes - this time in the right time zone - hallelujah! With classes, I had a lot less free time than I usually do when I visit, but I still managed to have a few nights with friends, thrift a perfect trench coat, and even take senior photos for Aisha and her friend Bayliss. Here are photos from a little hike I did with my Mom, Raoul, and Abbie and a little taste of the girls’ senior photos in Lower Park. 


Oi! Estou de volta a Nova York depois de minha curta e doce viagem ao norte da Califórnia. Tem sido uma semana agitada com a finalização da eleição (yay!), Toda aquela viagem de volta para a Costa Leste e voltando às aulas - desta vez no fuso horário certo - aleluia! Com as aulas, eu tinha muito menos tempo livre do que normalmente faço quando visito, mas ainda consegui passar algumas noites com os amigos, usar um sobretudo perfeito e até tirar fotos do último ano para Aisha e sua amiga Bayliss. Aqui estão as fotos de uma pequena caminhada que fiz com minha mãe, Raoul e Abbie e um gostinho das fotos dos formandos das meninas em Lower Park.



Small Town Glory

Good morning! It feels so so early. I just finished my test for the day and the sun is just coming up. The nice part about starting at 6 am is that I will be done by 13:30. I am taking photos of a girl I used to babysit who is a senior in high school this year … crazy. A few years ago she asked me to give her a photography lesson so this actually won’t be the first time we’ve shot together. I’m excited to see her and catch up. I have tomorrow off for the election so I’ll have to take advantage and do a hike or something. Have a wonderful day!


Bom Dia! Parece tão cedo. Acabei de terminar meu teste do dia e o sol está nascendo. A parte boa de começar às 6 da manhã é que terminarei às 13:30. Estou tirando fotos de uma garota que eu costumava tomar conta que está no último ano do colégio este ano ... louca. Alguns anos atrás, ela me pediu para lhe dar uma aula de fotografia, então esta não será a primeira vez que filmamos juntas. Estou animado para vê-la. Tenho amanhã de folga para a eleição, então terei que aproveitar e fazer uma caminhada ou algo assim. Tenha um dia maravilhoso!




Hello loves! I am chillin' in my usual coffee shop, post yoga on the bluff. I am addicted to one of the paninis here so I've been loving going to yoga and then working on the blog and eating lunch down the street. I am excited to share these photos! Yosemite is too beautiful for pictures to truly capture. I had such a nice weekend with a mixture twelve old and new friends. We camped for two nights with no reception, no electricity, just coyote howls and lots of stars. Fresh air does a body good. One thing that makes Yosemite so unique is the striking contrast between the soft green meadows and the towering rock formations and mountains. There is nothing gradual or transitory about the valley. It is two extremes that together, create a true work of art. Nature is magic. I am excited to be heading up to Chico in a couple weeks for my birthday. I have my two days there already jam-packed with plans which include more nature and a little dancing, among other things.  

Happy Monday 


Claire & Kurt's Wedding

Photo Apr 28, 4 30 08 PM.jpg
Photo Apr 28, 12 01 30 PM.jpg

What a magical weekend! I drove seven hours each way to go see two of my favorite people from college get hitched! Kurt is my honorary big brother and I've known the lovely Claire for just as long. This weekend was amazing. I got to see so many people that were so influential in my college years whom I hadn't seen in far too long. The setting was amazing as well - bursting with oak trees, tire swings, a creek, all covered in tall grass. Most of us camped along the creek in a little neighborhood which was nice when I wanted to fall into bed after dancing for hours the night of the wedding. I'm so happy I was able to be there! 



The Final Hour

Today was pretty great. Work was really slow this morning so I got sent home after just two hours and decided to go sign up for that gym that will be opening up soon downtown. They have a good deal going on right now and they have another location that's only 20 minutes away that I can go to in the meantime. Dancing once a week isn't enough! I'm excited to take advantage of both the equipment and the classes. After signing up for the gym I went to yoga outside on the bluff and then to get some tea. When I got home and saw that I got a parking ticket (I forgot about the damn street sweeping) and was feeling a bit frustrated so I headed to the gym and let off some steam haha. I'm feeling good and sore after a nice hot shower. 

Happy Monday 



Feliz Friday y'all! I don't have much planned for the rest of the day except some house projects. I'm currently at a coffee shop on 2nd street and I'm planning on picking up a painting that needed the glass fixed in the frame on my way home. A couple months back I did a post about spray-painting the frames of four pieces of artwork that I bought at the flea market. They are a set and I wanted to hang them in a certain formation together but the beams in the wall were going to make that tricky. The guy at the hardware store convinced me to buy this heavy-duty, double-sided adhesive that could hold up to 300 lbs (supposedly) to the wall. Long story short, one of them fell off of the wall (in the middle of the night I might add) and shattered. I took the rest down fearing the same fate and finally got around to getting it fixed. Now I can hang them all the old-fashioned way haha. 

Sometimes simple is better. Lesson learned. 



La Palma

Vintage Jacko Jeans - LB Flea Market | 90s Booties - Thrifted | Vintage Belt - Thrifted | White Tee - Hanes

This has been a lovely week! Before heading back to Las Vegas for Christmas, my friend Brittany threw an epic dinner party that turned into an all night dance-o-thon when we took it to Pine Street. My next morning at work wasn't pretty, but it was worth it ;). I had dinner with my friend Elly at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. It was both of our first times there and I am definitely a fan. We serve a gourmet version of the Southern classic at work but I've been antsy to try the original. It was nice to catch up and show her my place as well. My mom came into town a couple days ago and will be staying with me 'til Christmas, then we have a room booked for three nights at a fancy hotel across from the beach and I have all three days off to enjoy the stay-cation! Working for Marriott has some definite perks! I developed a bit of a cold today so I'm already daydreaming about the hot tub. 

Cheers to a lovely end to 2017, and hope on the horizon that 2018 will be the best one yet! 




This past weekend I headed North, very North, for Max and Jenelle's wedding. It was so amazing to be reunited with the crew for such a special night - celebrating two people that make each other really happy :). The wedding started at 3 pm, in the blazing Chico sun, and was full to the brim with heart-felt speeches, big smiles, drinks, the infamous El Paísa taco truck, and so many dance moves! I also got to allot practically a whole day to visiting with my sissy. My dad's side of the family is coming down for Thanksgiving but my sister has school (college!) so she's the only one I won't see again in a month. I love that girl. I'm currently in a coffee shop in Santa Monica, killing time before participating in a paid research study on meditation that my friend Elly told me about. I'm curious to see how it goes!



Gypsy Summer

Jacket - Zara | Swimsuit - Myra Swim | Choker - Lulus

Yup, a little sneak preview of the new place! I have been without internet this week (it's getting installed on Friday!) so I've been exploring the local coffee shop scene and renting movies to watch while I unpack. Today the maintenance guy fixed my closet bar so I can finally hang up my dresses. I now have two whole closets and I honestly don't know how I fit all these clothes in just one. I have SO many clothes and shoes. Not complaining but damn is it a bitch to move it all and reorganize! I've been traveling around all summer and living out of a suitcase so it's been like Xmas discovering all the things I've missed wearing and looking at. My place feels amazing. I think I am appreciative of what I have in a bigger and deeper way than ever before. Crazy how the universe just finds a way to teach you exactly what you need to understand.

Good omen update: when I was driving the Uhaul to my place for the first time, a monarch butterfly flew up the hood and then up the windshield. My family's Native culture believes that monarchs are a powerful sign of good luck, and I'd say so. I'm used to feeling lucky but these last few months put that in check a little bit. I think it's made me grateful for the good things rather than just expecting them. I didn't realize how entitled that expectation is/was until now. I'm glad for the lesson(s).

Gratefully yours, 


Corona Del Mar

Yet another late post! This was an awesome day ... Olivia's first day in LA after we drove up from Tijuana/San Diego. We headed straight to a hike with my friend Lauren who was one of my college roommates right before I went to Brazil and met Olivia! It was a super hot day so we ended it in the water at a beach none of us had ever been to. Olivia and I purchased the matching shorts we are wearing at a famous street market in Rio called Uruguaiana. We bought them our last week together in Rio which meant we didn't get a chance to show off our twinsie outfit so I was sooo excited when she pulled them out of her suitcase. I miss her! 

may you all have a twinsie as amazing as mine 

thx for the photos Lauren! 


Upper Park

Here is a little flashback to a day in the sun and water with my friend Acacia and her puppy. Upper Park is the upper half of Bidwell Park that runs through Chico and up into the hills. It frames a creek that travels through town. Lower Park is lush and green with a tight-knit canopy that keeps the vines and moss green below. Upper Park on the other hand has dry, rustling blonde grass and a canyon of lava rocks where the creek runs through. The water was still pretty cold - it warms up in July - but we managed to swim upstream a bit and have a little picnic and sunbath on a little rock ledge. I've taken so many photos this month that it's hard to find time to upload them all! I love this 'problem'!



Thursday Night Market

There are quite a few things that make Chico summer so wonderful, and Thursday Night Market is surely one. Every Thursday evening a few streets downtown are blocked off to make way for the throngs of people who come to shop at the booths and stands along the sides. There is anything from produce to clothes, to homemade soaps and food trucks. The city plaza is at the end of the street and there you can find a fountain that keeps kids cool and entertained while different community performances take place on an adjacent stage. This week there were hula dancers! I went with my mom this past week and we strolled around, watched the dancers and my friend Jesse who was singing and playing guitar in-between a couple booths. It was a lovely little evening that ended in getting a little saucy with my mom at a jazz bar afterwards. My mom is the cutest. 



Manhattan Beach

Whatttttup! I had a sweet little lunch date with my friend Alli today in Manhattan Beach. There are so many pricey little spots but then we stumbled on our kind of spot: cheap and tasty Mexican food! It was so nice to explore and window shop ... and I may have made a swimsuit purchase. Summer is almost here and you know I'll be ready ;). 



Sábado Gigante was kind enough to send me this top, along with a slip dress that I will feature soon.

Hey hey. I haven't been very good at keeping up with the blog the last couple weeks - sorry! I have been in a bit of a lull, probably somewhat related to the rainy weather, but I know LA/California needs it. I had a really great weekend last week though. I went out with some friends in Long Beach Saturday night. First stop was a gorgeous bar with high ceilings and chandeliers that had a speakeasy below ground. You literally had to knock on a door and give a password to enter the bar - all moody lighting and red velvet. On Sunday I spent the whole day with my brother at Disneyland. Tonight I'm staying in and taking a break from the hustle and bustle.  I'm on a cleanse for the next few weeks that includes six Chinese herbal pills every morning and prohibits me from drinking alcohol or coffee and eating sugar or fried foods. No partying for me until my friends' wedding! 

love ya 
