Street Style Stroll

A Saturday stroll to the library! I woke up last weekend and decided I wanted to meander towards Park Slope, hit up the farmer’s market, and return an overdue library book. It’s about an hour and a half walk which never feels very long once I’m on my way. I’m always a little amazed at how open and kind all of the street style subjects are. Y’all make my day every time. I am a little awkward when other people take my photo so I am always flattered and excited when others allow me to photograph them. In these interactions we bridge a gap created by our busy lives, shyness, urban anonymity etc. and it always makes me feel more connected to the city.


Um passeio de sábado até a biblioteca! Acordei no fim de semana passado e decidi que queria caminhar até Park Slope, ir ao mercado do fazendeiro e devolver um livro da biblioteca atrasado. É cerca de uma hora e meia de caminhada, o que nunca parece muito longo quando estou a caminho. Sempre fico um pouco surpreso com o quão abertos e gentis são todos os assuntos de estilo de rua. Vocês fazem o meu dia sempre. Fico um pouco estranho quando outras pessoas tiram minhas fotos, então fico sempre lisonjeado e animado quando outras pessoas me permitem fotografá-las. Nessas interações preenchemos uma lacuna criada por nossas vidas ocupadas, timidez, anonimato urbano etc. e isso sempre me faz sentir mais conectado à cidade.



Food & Friends

Good morning amores. This has been quite the week and I can’t wait to update you on everything very soon. Lots of good things ahead! Right now that first Puerto Vallarta vlog has over 700 views, which I’m sure at some point won’t feel like a ton, but it feels like A LOT to me right now and it’s very exciting. Here are a few snapshots from the week. I went to an Afro-Haitian dance class last night and it was amazing. I’m hoping I’m not quite as sore as I was after last week’s Afro-Cuban class. I could barely sit up straight my back and arms were so sore. Last night’s class felt like a detox; towards the end I got a little light-headed. I’ve missed dance so much and it’s role in my overall health. There’s something so therapeutic about learning new movement, recognizing how it is supposed to feel from watching the teacher and star dancers in class, and making it your own in your own body. It connects me to myself, to the present moment, to art that lives simmering under my surface, to the magic in the universe … now I’m getting really wild haha. I can’t express my full gratitude for my relationship with dance. Like, how lucky was I to have two parents as dance teachers who exposed me to dances from all around the world?! Life is gorgeous. Stay tuned for a big update sometime next week!


Bom dia amores. Esta tem sido uma semana emocionante e mal posso esperar para atualizá-los sobre tudo em breve. Muitas coisas boas pela frente! No momento, aquele primeiro vlog de Puerto Vallarta tem mais de 700 visualizações, o que tenho certeza que em algum momento não parecerá uma tonelada, mas parece MUITO para mim agora e é muito emocionante. Aqui estão alguns instantâneos da semana. Eu fui a uma aula de dança afro-haitiana ontem à noite e foi incrível. Espero não estar tão dolorido como fiquei depois da aula de afro-cubana da semana passada. Eu mal conseguia sentar minhas costas eretas e os braços estavam tão doloridos. A aula da noite passada pareceu uma desintoxicação; no final, fiquei um pouco tonto. Eu senti tanto a falta de dança e isso é importante para minha saúde geral. Há algo tão terapêutico em aprender um novo movimento, reconhecendo como deve ser a sensação de assistir o professor e os dançarinos famosos em sala de aula e torná-lo seu em seu próprio corpo. Isso me conecta a mim mesmo, ao momento presente, à arte que vive fervendo sob minha superfície, à magia do universo ... agora estou ficando realmente louco haha. Não posso expressar minha total gratidão por minha relação com a dança. Tipo, que sorte eu tive de ter dois pais como professores de dança que me expuseram a danças de todo o mundo ?! A vida é linda. Fique ligado para uma grande atualização na próxima semana!

beijo na boca


Spring Mood Board

The new Instagram feature where you can save photos has quickly turned into a mood board. Scrolling through, I started to realize how cohesive my photos and interests are and thought they would make a nice collage to share. I hope these images inspire you as they've inspired me! There is a lot about social media that doesn't sit right with me but the ability to share and have access to inspirational art is undeniable. 



Mini Juice Cleanse

On Monday night I headed up to Manhattan Beach, one of my favorite places, to have dinner with my uncle. He was here for a 12 hour layover on his way to Australia for two months (lucky!). I got there just in time to watch the sunset and then we got a delicious dinner at a restaurant a block up from the beach. After a bottle of wine, three dishes, and a slice of cheesecake I hugged him goodbye and sent him barreling down the street in a taxi, back to the airport. On my way back to my car I stopped by Pressed Juicery and was persuaded to take advantage of a pretty sweet promotion for a one day cleanse. With the cold weather and the holidays it's easy to go into hibernation mode - so it's reinvigorating to give your body a big boost of nutrients. A cleanse was just what I needed! I drank all six of the juices yesterday and ended the day with my second aerial yoga class. The studio is just a five minute walk away. It's SO nice to hang upside-down from stretchy fabric attached to the ceiling, who knew?! The class always ends with you laying sprawled in the hammock, and the last song to play was "What a Wonderful World." It really is too.

take care of yourself 



Bay Area

This weekend I headed to The Bay to visit my friend Xtina and see Solange play a life altering show at the Greek Theatre. Christina and I danced together in high school so we go way back. I stayed with her in Oakland and we did a lot of exploring - visiting Lake Merritt, Berkeley, the Palace of Fine Arts, the Golden Gate Bridge, and took a dance class (that I am still SO sore from) in the Mission District. We ate really well along the way too. All in all it was a pretty perfect weekend. 



Solange photo cred to @shelbymayes, @itgoesanandanand, and @rchlstl <3

Thursday Night Market

There are quite a few things that make Chico summer so wonderful, and Thursday Night Market is surely one. Every Thursday evening a few streets downtown are blocked off to make way for the throngs of people who come to shop at the booths and stands along the sides. There is anything from produce to clothes, to homemade soaps and food trucks. The city plaza is at the end of the street and there you can find a fountain that keeps kids cool and entertained while different community performances take place on an adjacent stage. This week there were hula dancers! I went with my mom this past week and we strolled around, watched the dancers and my friend Jesse who was singing and playing guitar in-between a couple booths. It was a lovely little evening that ended in getting a little saucy with my mom at a jazz bar afterwards. My mom is the cutest. 




LA is known for its health freaks ... and I suppose it's a relatively good thing to be a freak about. I've accidentally lost a little bit of weight over the last few months though I have no idea how much because I refuse to weigh myself. I've just been less hungry, craved sugar less, and started walking more. Other than losing a little bit of my curves I feel good! It has happened in a natural, healthy way but I hope to get some of those curves back in dance classes! Speaking of which, I found a samba class in Long Beach last night so I won't have to drive 45 minutes for class in Culver City!! The teacher was amazing - super positive, encouraging, and with a very original approach to teaching samba. She taught the feet portion last rather than first and focused primarily on the hips and torso which seemed to encourage people to feel the movement before thinking of the steps. Super fun! Anways, all that to explain mine and Alli's trip to Pressed Juicery. I highly recommend going if you have one near you! We sampled a ton of different juices that I had never tried and in the end we were both feeling Vogue's Pink Lemonade. It tastes like sweet lemony rose water <3. 

Saude! Gesundheit! Cheers to your Health!


Friday Morning

Good Morning! It's a grey day here in LA and ... somehow that made me crave waffles. Maybe it's the nostalgia for cozy mornings at my Mamma's house where she always makes waffles and a smoothie. Spoiled. I'm slacking on the smoothie part. I'm just chilling on the couch in-between the puppy and my roomie, helping her pick wedding invites. Cheers to weekend! 



Manhattan Beach

Whatttttup! I had a sweet little lunch date with my friend Alli today in Manhattan Beach. There are so many pricey little spots but then we stumbled on our kind of spot: cheap and tasty Mexican food! It was so nice to explore and window shop ... and I may have made a swimsuit purchase. Summer is almost here and you know I'll be ready ;). 




Hello! It's been a busy week, but it always bugs me when it takes this long for me to post again! My mamma is visiting this week. I picked her up from the airport late Monday after dance class and she'll be here until Sunday. I realized this is the first time I've really hosted her. She's been taking full advantage of the hot tub and the kitchen ... no complaints here ;).

Yesterday, Thanksgiving, was really nice - and not our typical family holiday. Raoul came over for waffle breakfast in the morning, then I baked the pumpkin pie while we waited for Jackson, my roommates dog, to be dropped off. We all went to the 80 degree dog beach in Long Beach for a few hours. That puppy loves to run! We ran so much and at one point he got completely soaked by a wave, but I couldn't tell if it was on purpose. He didn't seem mad about it and I laughed pretty hard. We came home and ate a delicious dinner and pie! Such a sweet day. 

Happy belated Thanksgiving 


Brunch with a View

This past Sunday I got to catch up with my friend Stacey who I haven't seen since we studied abroad together in Rio! It's been three years! It was yet another birthday brunch - this time up in the hills with a beautiful view. A breakfast buffet, bottomless mimosas, and lots to catch up on is a recipe for a good time. I was watching my roommate's dog Jackson this week so after brunch I scooped him up at home and we went on a little hike along the beach. He just wanted to run and run. He's a tiny yorkie so I didn't expect him to be as fast as he was - a fun surprise :). And the sunset was the perfect end to one of my favorite weekends I've had in LA thus far. 

